• ThirdEyeDrops's Podcasts

  • Explore the mysteries and majesty of the multiverse with Michael Phillip and his magnificent multidisciplinary guests -- Scientists, artist, comedians, entrepreneurs, authors, shamans, monks, psychonauts and occasional android sidekicks.

    The Cosmic Mind and the Esoteric Wisdom Beyond Science, Dr. Tom Cheetham | Mind Meld 400

    Synchronicity, Archetypes & the Sacred Philosophy of the Future | Richard Tarnas|Mind Meld 399

    Returning to Plato's Cave & Creative Individuation with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 398

    Ground-breaking DMT Research, Entities & Alien Worlds with Neuroscientist, Andrew Gallimore | Mind Meld 397

    Plato's Cave and the Truth Beyond the Simulation

    The Esoteric Secrets of Plato's Cave and the Truth Beyond the Simulation

    Carl Jung, Synchronicity & the Esoteric History of Tarot with MJDorian |Mind Meld 396

    Synchronicity and the Psychology of Soul with Psychiatrist, Judy Tsafrir MD | Mind Meld 395

    Seeing Through the Psychological Simulation with Cory Allen |Mind Meld 394

    Individuation, Synchronicity & Guided Evolution with Michael Garfield | Mind Meld 393

    Spiritual Awakening, Mass Hypnosis & Collective Individuation with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 392

    Archetypes, Ancient Wisdom & Putting the Soul Back Into Psyche, Richard Tarnas | Mind Meld 391

    The Consciousness Simulation & Hidden Ancient Wisdom | Timothy Desmond Ph.D| Mind Meld 390

    Living Archetypes, Carl Jung and the Mystery Beyond Psychology | Mind Meld 389

    Synchronicity, UFOs and the Mind of the World with East Forest | Mind Meld 388

    As Above, So Below | Ancient Hermetic Wisdom, Carl Jung & the Cosmic Brain

    Synchronicity, Ancient Wisdom, Carl Jung & the Hidden Dimension with Tom Matte | Mind Meld 387

    The Forbidden Ancient Wisdom of the Gnostics, Escaping Plato’s Cave & Carl Jung with Bob Peck | Mind Meld 386

    Cosmic Consciousness and the Truth Beyond Simulation Theory with Bobby Azarian | Mind Meld 385

    Experiencing the Paranormal with Chris Bledsoe, UFOs & the Esoteric | Mollie Adler| Mind Meld 384

    Carl Jung’s Mysticism & the Psychology of Soul with Sarah Mergen |Mind Meld 383

    DMT Entities, Carl Jung's Mysticism, and Ancient Wisdom | Alexander Beiner | Mind Meld 382

    Individuation & The Ancient Wisdom of the Psyche | Erick Godsey Mind Meld 380

    Decoding Dreams & Unlocking Your Unconscious Potential with Carl Jung

    Ancient Wisdom, Carl Jung and the Physics of Consciousness, Timothy Desmond, Ph.D| Mind Meld 379

    Encountering Archetypes, Psychological Alchemy & Carl Jung, MJDorian | Mind Meld 378

    Archetypes, Synchronicity, Carl Jung & Fate with Laurence Hillman | Mind Meld 377

    Cosmic Consciousness, Panpsychism and Mystery of Mind with Dr. Philip Goff | Mind Meld 376

    Consciousness, Deep Meditation & the Hidden Truth of Reality with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 375

    Bernardo Kastrup on Carl Jung, Synchronicity, Archetypes and UFOs |Mind Meld 374

    A Reality Quaking Q and A on Terence McKenna, Consciousness, Carl Jung, the Esoteric, the Personal Questions and more!

    The Shadow, Synchronicity and the Influence of Archetypes on the World, Kevin Lu, PhD| Mind Meld 372

    The Shadow, Synchronicity and the Influence of Archetypes on the World, Kevin Lu, PhD| Mind Meld 373

    The Meaning Crisis, Platonism and Mystical Experiences with John Vervaeke | Mind Meld 372

    Consciousness and the Illusion of Reality | Dr. Donald Hoffman| Mind Meld 371

    Individuation, Carl Jung and the Psychology of Soul

    Your Shadow Is the Gateway To Your Soul with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 370

    Carl Jung, the Paranormal and Soul Searching with Mollie Adler | Mind Meld 369

    Confronting Your Shadow Through Seeking with Scott Shigeoka | Mind Meld 368

    Carl Jung, Alchemy and the Secret Language of Transformation with Max Derrat | Mind Meld 367

    Consciousness, Spirituality & Stoned Ape Theory with Dr. Dennis McKenna | Mind Meld 366

    Fate, Free Will and a Year In the Chapel Perilous

    The Esoteric Teachings of Jesus and the Hidden Mystical Lineage with Bob Peck Mind Meld 365

    Alchemy, Carl Jung, and the Realm of Psyche with MJ Dorian of Creative Codex | Mind Meld 364

    Synchronicity and the Secret Structure of Reality with Carl Jung, Rodger Penrose and Plato

    The Hidden Key To Mastering Your Mind, Neuropsychologist, Dr. Julia DiGangi | Mind Meld 363

    Creativity, The Collective Unconscious and Carl Jung with Andy J. Pizza | Mind Meld 362

    Lost Ancient Wisdom, Consciousness, Carl Jung & Plato | Bruce MacLennan, PhD | Mind Meld 361

    How To Find Your Soul with Plato, Carl Jung and James Hillman

    The Secret Science of Synchronicity, Carl Jung & Plato | Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 360

    Ancient Wisdom, Archetypes, and the Psyche with Psychologist, Dr. Miles Neale | Mind Meld 359

    UFOs, Consciousness and Spiritual Simplicity with East Forest | Mind Meld 358

    Karma, Reincarnation, Seeing Through the Mind Matrix with Lama Lhanang Rinpoche, Mordy Levine | Mind Meld 357

    Dreams and the Hidden Realm of Soul with James Hillman and Carl Jung

    Unlocking the Secrets In Your Shadow with Psychologist, Ido Cohen | Mind Meld 356

    The Meaning Crisis, Shadow Work, and Extended-State DMT with Alexander Beiner | Mind Meld 355

    Carl Jung on God, the Mystery of Existence and the God Above God

    Soul Sickness, Meaning-Making and the Shadow with Alex Ebert | Mind Meld 354

    Visualizing Your Way To a Better Life with Joanna Grover | Mind Meld 353

    Psychological Alchemy, the Hermes Archetype and Carl Jung

    Sacred Creativity, Psychological Alchemy and Carl Jung with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 352

    Dr. Will Cole on Intuition, Inflammation, and the Mind-Body Connection | Mind Meld 351

    Disrupting the Field of Mental Health, Diet and Taking on the Establishment with Dr. Chris Palmer | Mind Meld 346

    Spiritual Awakening, Synchronicity and Depression with Dr. Lisa Miller | Mind Meld 345

    From Tragedy to Awakening with Android Jones | Mind Meld 344

    Bernardo Kastrup on Consciousness, Carl Jung, A.I. and UFOs | Mind Meld 343

    Carl Jung, the Shadow, and the Key To Your Hidden Potential

    Mastering Flow, The Power of the Mind, and Aging with Steven Kotler | Mind Meld 342

    AI Consciousness, Dream-work, & the Esoteric with Evan 'Blue Tech' Bartholomew |Mind Meld 341

    Working with the subconscious, Effective Mindfulness and Authentic Creativity with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 340

    What It Really Means to Live a Good Life with Harvard Psychiatrist and Zen Master, Dr. Robert Waldinger | Mind Meld 339

    Growing the God Inside of You with Erick Godsey -- Mystical Buddhism, Consciousness and Carl Jung | Mind Meld 338

    Reprogram Your Brain for Success | The Science of Positive Thinking

    Connecting to the muse, ayahuasca, and the meaning of life with Colin Frangicetto | Mind Meld 337

    How To Talk to Soul with Ido Cohen | Mind Meld 336

    Science, Spirituality, and a More Meaningful Life with Psychiatrist, Dr. Anna Yusim | Mind Meld 335

    Ego Death, Madness, and the Mysterium Tremendum | My First Heroic Dose

    Carl Jung, Synchronicity and the Hidden Truth of Reality

    Mastering Microdosing and Navigating the Psychedelic Renaissance with Paul Austin | Mind Meld 334

    Synchronicity, Soul, and the Price of Progress with Chris Ryan | Mind Meld 333

    Myth, memes, Terence McKenna, and the meaning of life with James McCrae | Mind Meld 332

    My first heroic dose of mushrooms brought me to the brink of madness and enlightenment

    Channeling the Realm with Jennifer Sodini | Mind Meld 331

    Synchronicity, Psyche, and Carl Jung with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 330

    We Need To Talk About Toxic Spiritual Influencers

    The Big Bang of Consciousness with Scott Carney | Mind Meld 329

    How Quantum Mechanics Broke Reality and Melted Einstein's Brain

    There Is No Normal, Only Familiar Weirdness with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 328

    Gardens of Awareness with Joe Patitucci Mind Meld 327

    Tapping Into Paradox Wisdom with Professor Wendy Smith | Mind Meld 326

    Causing a Conversational Singularity with Ramin Nazer | Mind Meld 325

    SOUL THERAPY with Colin Frangicetto | Mind Meld 324

    Art Is Dead, Long Live Art with Android Jones | Mind Meld 323

    UFOs and the Allure of High Weirdness with Evan "Skytree" Snyder | Mind Meld 322

    Mapping the Psychedelic Frontier with Dr. Matthew Johnson | Mind Meld 321

    Mushrooms, Adaptogens, and Psychedelic Evolution with Tero Isokauppila | Mind Meld 320

    Learning the Language of Dreams with Machiel Klerk | Mind Meld 319

    Playing the Infinite Game with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 318

    The Path Is the Goal with Psychologist, Dr. Ido Cohen | Mind Meld 317

    Is the Universe Building the Mind of God? with Bobby Azarian | Mind Meld 316

    Meeting Chaos Halfway with Sarah Zucker | Mind Meld 315

    Redefining The Impossible with Colin O'Brady | Mind Meld 314

    The Whisper of the Forest with Hamilton Souther | Mind Meld 313

    We Are the Witness In the Weirdness with Shane Mauss | Mind Meld 312

    The Path of Clarity with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 311

    Creative Positivity, Plato, and the Language of Reality with James McCrae Mind Meld 310

    Flavors of Consciousness, AI Souls, and Sentient Ideas with Michael Garfield | Mind Meld 309

    The Hidden Hieroglyphs of Your Higher Self with Jennifer Sodini | Mind Meld 308

    How the Infinite Grows Into the Finite with East Forest | Mind Meld 307

    Growing Into Infinity with East Forest | Mind Meld 307

    Transmuting Anxiety Into Freedom with Colin Frangicetto | Mind Meld 306

    The Secret In the Silence with Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn | Mind Meld 205

    The Secret In the Silence with Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn | Mind Meld 305

    Not a Simulation, Not the Matrix, but Something Even Weirder, with Dr. Donald Hoffman | Mind Meld 304

    Mystery Is the Highest Form of Truth with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 303

    A Trust Fall With the Universe, Contemplative Psychologist, Dr. Miles Neale | Mind Meld 302

    Why Your Mind Is Not Broken and the Myth of Pathology | Mind Meld 301 Sarah Fay, Ph.D

    Wild Hope with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 300

    Escaping From the Vortex, with Scott Carney | Mind Meld 299

    Language Is the Portal To a Better Future with Steve Kotler | Mind Meld 298

    Language Is the Portal To a Better Future with Steven Kotler | Mind Meld 298

    Writing Reality Into Existence with James McCrae | Mind Meld 297

    Conversing with the Cosmic Mind with Dr. Jahan Khamsehzadeh, Ph.D | Mind Meld 296

    Meeting the Myth Mentor with Phil Cousineau | Mind Meld 295

    The Miracle Is In the Attempt with Josh Peck | Mind Meld 294

    Move the Body, Heal the Mind with Dr. Jennifer Heisz | Mind Meld 293

    Calm Down To Wake Up with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 292

    There's Magic In the Question with Jennifer Sodini | Mind Meld 291

    Stealing Fire, Profound Play and the Power of Myth with Sarah Zucker | Mind Meld 290

    Psychic Gods, Mythopoetic Evolution, and Jungian Archetypes with Dr. Ido Cohen | Mind Meld 289

    Reality Tunnel Erosion, A Trip To North Korea, and Why Bitcoin Is Psychedelic with Ethan Lou | Mind Meld 288

    The Secret Language of the Voice In Your Head with Dr. Ethan Kross | Mind Meld 287

    IN THE SPACE with Colin Frangicetto | Mind Meld 286

    Trusting the Darkness with Dr. Miles Neale | Mind Meld 285

    Serving the Unspeakable Mystery with Cory Allen

    A Nasty Infinity with Ramin Nazer | Mind Meld 284

    Hidden Medicine with East Forest | Mind Meld 283

    Meeting Cosmic Serpents with Dr. Jeremy Narby | Mind Meld 282

    The Wisdom of Change with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 281

    The Soul Is A Question with Jennifer Sodini | Mind Meld 280

    A Dose of Hope -- Psychedelic Medicine and Sense-making with Dr. Dan Engle | Mind Meld 279

    Getting Eaten By the Metaverse with James McCrae | Mind Meld 278

    Taking Back the Fire with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 278

    Taking Back the Fire with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 277

    Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth with Dr. Avi Loeb |Mind Meld 276

    I Almost Died and It Was Kind of Psychedelic

    Focus, Enlightenment, and a Better Brain with Dr. Amishi Jha | Mind Meld 275

    The Age of False Enlightenment with Michael Garfield | Mind Meld 274

    The Mercurial Truth with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 273

    Future Nostalgia, Soul Fall, and Existential Ambivalence with Colin Frangicetto | Mind Meld 272

    The Transcendent Aesthetic with Sarah Stein Greenberg | Mind Meld 271

    Claiming the Sword with Dr. Miles Neale and Phil Jacobs | Mind Meld 270

    Words Are Vibrations with James McCrae | Mind Meld 269

    Sublimating the Stone with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 268

    How To Grow Younger with Sergey Young | Mind Meld 267

    How to Awaken Your Brain with Dr. Lisa Miller | Mind Meld 266

    Dreams, The Underworld, Authenticity, and Carl Jung with Kyle Buller | Mind Meld 265

    Healing Through the Numinous, Carl Jung, and Micro-dosing Terror with Dr. Ido Cohen | Mind Meld 264

    Something Beyond the Normal with Jennifer Sodini and Mike Brancatelli | A Live Mind Meld From Austin

    The Yoga of Life and Death with Liam Wilson | Mind Meld 263

    The Dharma of the Oak Tree with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 262

    Approaching Maximum Weirdness with Colin Frangicetto | Mind Meld 261

    Unidentified Linguistic Phenomena with Jennifer Sodini | Mind Meld 260

    Choose Your Own Adventure with Ramin Nazer and Shane Mauss | Mind Meld 259

    Bringing Light to Your Shadow with Psychologist, Dr. Kile Ortigo | Mind Meld 258

    The Role You're Meant To Play with East Forest | Mind Meld 257

    What We Really Want with Luke Burgis | Mind Meld 256

    Mindfulness and Matrix Making Monkeys with Cory Allen | Mind Meld 255

    The Odd Frontiers of Creation with Sarah Zucker | Mind Meld 254

    New Gods and New Games with Erick Godsey | Mind Meld 253

    Showing Your Work with Shane Mauss | Mind Meld 252

    Life As An Art with Dr. Miles Neale | Mind Meld 251

    A Mind Like the Sun with Brandon Beachum | Mind Meld 250

    Befriending Chaos with Jennifer Sodini | Mind Meld 249

    Shadow Work, Projection, and Meaning-Making with Dr. Kile Ortigo | Mind Meld 248

    ADVENTURE TIME with Colin Frangicetto | Mind Meld 247

    Becoming Post-Jaded with David Krantz | Mind Meld 246

    Can the Universe Hear You Thinking? with Alex Ebert | Mind Meld 245

    Mind Meld 244 | What Are They? with Jeremy Corbell

    Mind Meld 243 | Surviving Death with Dr. Bruce Greyson

    Majestic Enormity with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 242 | Conspirituality, Sudden Muchness, and the Endless Search for Meaning with Gary Lachman

    Mind Meld 241 | Sharing the Medicine -- A potent trip report with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 240 | The Deathless Mind with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 239 | Profound Play with Michael Garfield Evolution, The Trickster, Cryptocurrency

    Mind Meld 238 | Metabolizing Wonder with Justin Boreta

    Mind Meld 237 | The Art of Impossible with Steven Kotler

    Mind Meld 236 | New Year, New Ethos with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 235 | What the Planet Wants with Hamilton Souther

    Mind Meld 234 | Dissolve and Transmute with East Forest

    Mind Meld 233 | Chaotic Progress with Colin Frangicetto

    Mind Meld 232 | Cryptocurrency, Counterculture and A More Mystical Tomorrow with Liam Wilson

    Mind Meld 231 | Growing Down with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 230 | Living In the Cosmic Joke with Ramin Nazer

    Mind Meld 229 | The Immortality Key -- Die Before You Die with Brian Muraresku

    Mind Meld 228 | How To Laugh At the Cosmic Joke with Jennifer Sodini

    Mind Meld 227 | Where Gods and Devils Dance with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 226 | Something Is Working Its Way | Mitch Schultz

    Mind Meld 225 | Living Myths with Dr. Ido Cohen

    Mind Meld 224 | The Gravity of Awakening with Dr. Miles Neale

    Mind Meld 223 | One Endless Mind with Dr. Bernardo Kastrup

    Mind Meld 222 | Arrival with Laura Krantz

    Mind Meld 221 | Create Your Own Calm with Meera Lee Patel

    MUNDANE MAGIC-- Michael and Colin's One-Year Ayaversary

    Mind Meld 219 | The Dark Corners of Love with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 218 | The Magic Between Stimulus and Response with Scott Carney

    Mind Meld 217 | Golden Wounds with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 216 | The Mind of Infinity with Dr. Donald Hoffman

    Mind Meld 215 | The Beautiful Bitter Truth with Liam Wilson

    Mind Meld 214 | Feeding the Daemon with Daniele Bolelli

    Mind Meld 213 | Communing With High Strangeness | Jim Perry of Euphomet

    Mind Meld 212 | A Satirical Uroboros Folding Back In On Itself | Dr. Alan Levinovitz

    Mind Meld 211| Decoding the Zeitgeist with Colin Frangicetto

    Mind Meld 210 | Bring Your Temple With You | Dr. Zak Stein

    Mind Meld 209 |The War For Reality with Charles Eisenstein

    Mind Meld 208 | The Song of the Forest with Hamilton Souther

    Mind Meld 207 | The Secret Cause of Your Destiny with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 206 | Reclaiming Your Reality Tunnel with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 205 | Secret Drugs of Buddhism with Mike Crowley

    Mind Meld 204 | Giving Shape To Your Darkness with Dr. Ido Cohen

    Mind Meld 203 | The Allure of Rebellion with Shane Mauss

    Mind Meld 202 | How Fear Becomes Power with Kyle Buller of Psychedelics Today

    Mind Meld 201 | The Best of All Possible Timelines with Ramin Nazer

    Mind Meld 200 | Intention Is the Engine of Evolution with Sophia Rokhlin

    Mind Meld 199 | When Wonder Comes Calling with Mike Brancatelli

    Mind Meld 198 | Consciousness, Stress, and the Key to Human Resilience with Scott Carney

    Mind Meld 197 | The Dawn of a Technodelic Tomorrow with Robin Arnott

    Mind Meld 197 | Networks of Intelligence with Marisa Peer

    Mind Meld 196 | Networks of Intelligence with Marisa Peer

    Mind Meld 195 | Detangling Your Script with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 194 |Chaos, Quarantine, Love, and Potential with Dr. Miles Neale

    Mind Meld 193 | Trial and Error, Joy and Terror with The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo

    Mind Meld 192 | Awakening From the Meaning Crisis with Professor John Vervaeke

    Mind Meld 191 | Surfing Psychedelic Counterculture with Michelle Janikian

    Mind Meld 190 | Creativity and the Subconscious Mind with Nick Onken

    Mind Meld 189 | Cultivating Courage with Kate Swoboda

    Mind Meld 188 | The Gnostic Boogie with Colin Frangicetto

    Mind Meld 187 | The Dream of Life with Justin Boreta

    Mind Meld 186 | When Plants Dream with Sophia Rokhlin

    The Hidden Key To Your Story | A New Year Special with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 185 | Your Role In the Cosmic Drama with Cory Allen

    The hidden meaning of what we call a 'year' and Michael's favorite reads of 2019

    Mind Meld 184 | The Joy Beyond Your Limits with Sanjay Rawal

    Mind Meld 183 | SCARS and SPELLS -- Erick Godsey's Ayahuasca Initiation

    Mind Meld 182 | Giving Birth to a New Myth with Charles Eisenstein

    Mind Meld 181 | The Hidden Harmony with Stuart Holland

    Mind Meld 180 | Spiritually Homeless with Johanna Warren

    Mind Meld 179 | The Geometry of Consciousness with Philosopher Philip Goff

    Mind Meld 178 | The Other Side of Death's Door with Kyle Buller

    True Tales of the Hero's Journey with Knox Robinson, Colin Frangicetto, Dr. Miles Neale, Seher, and Allison Strickland

    What If You Got Everything You Wanted? with Erick Godsey and Colin Frangicetto

    Mind Meld 177 | Man Is Legion with Dr. Richard Schwartz

    Mind Meld 176 | Where the Treasure Hides with Dr. Miles Neale

    Mind Meld 175 | A Being of Mystery with Jenn Sodini

    AYAHUASCA ADVENTURE 4 | The Mysterium Tremendum with Colin Frangicetto

    Mind Meld 174 | NOW IS THE WAY | with Cory Allen

    AYAHUASCA ADVENTURE 3 | Demons don't go quietly with Colin Frangicetto

    AYAHUASCA ADVENTURE 2 | Hamilton Souther & Colin Frangicetto


    Mind Meld 173 | Susan Piver | Mind Geometry

    Mind Meld 172 | Ramin Nazer | Infinite Side Quests

    Mind Meld 171 | Annaka Harris | Why the Lights Are On

    Mind Meld 170 | Dr. Donald Hoffman | Is Reality a Lie?

    Mind Meld 169 | Sarah Zucker | We're all handling this very badly

    Mind Meld 168 | Erik Davis | HIGH WEIRDNESS-- An Exploration of Terence McKenna, Robert Anton Wilson and Philip K. Dick

    Mind Meld 167 | Maestro Hamilton Souther | Life on the other side of the portal

    Mind Meld 166 | Dr. Dan Engle & Dr. Joshua Flowers | Life Comes With Wounds

    Mind Meld 165 | Cory Allen | The Endless Beauty of "Maybe"

    Mind Meld 164 | Colin Frangicetto & Erick Godsey | The Truth Beyond Your Parts

    Mind Meld 163 | Joshua Fields | The thin line between enlightenment and bullsh*t

    Mind Meld 162 | Dr. Bruce Lipton | Hacking the Subconscious and the Power of Perception

    Mind Meld 161 | Jenn Sodini | The Secret Language of Purpose

    Mind Meld 160 | Growing a Soul with Tim Freke

    Mind Meld 159 | Dr. Andrew Gallimore | We're Imprisoned In Some Kind of Work of Art

    Mind Meld 158 | Michael Garfield | The Gritty Prequel To Destiny

    Mind Meld 157 | Jamie Wheal | Surviving the Chapel Perilous

    Making Sense of Psychedelic Fireworks with Ramin Nazer, Zach Leary, Colin Frangicetto, Brandee Lynn and Tricia Eastman

    Mind Meld 156 | Colin Frangicetto and Sarah Zucker | Holding on to Wonder

    Mind Meld 155 | Cory Allen | Creation is the language of the soul

    Mind Meld 154 |Sarah Zucker| One Long Exhale

    Mind Meld 153 |Dr. Miles Neale | The Temple of Tomorrow Is a World-Healing Memetic Fractal

    Mind Meld 152 | The Art In Your Burden with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 151 | The Map Is Not the Territory with Jeremy Johnson

    Mind Meld 150 | THRESHOLD GUARDIANS with Colin Frangicetto

    Mind Meld 149 | WHERE YOUR GURU HIDES with Yogic Monk, Dada Gunamuktananda

    Mind Meld 148 | STAINING THE FUTURE with Ramin Nazer

    Mind Meld 147 | Remembering the Future with Jesse Elder

    Mind Meld 146 | You Are the Machinery of the Cosmic Mind with Philosopher, Peter Sjöstedt

    Mind Meld 145 | Adrift In the Infinite Thought with Matt Xian

    Mind Meld 144 | Cataloging the Ineffable with Dr. Matthew Johnson

    Mind Meld 143 | THE AWAKENING INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX with Justin Boreta of The Glitch Mob

    Mind Meld 142| THE GREAT "WHY?" with ANDROID JONES

    Mind Meld 141 | Where Destiny and Free Will Collide with David Krantz

    Mind Meld 140 |MAKE EVERYTHING SHINE with Maestro Hamilton Souther

    Five Crucial Questions To Ask Yourself In the New Year with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 139 | The Impossible Intersection of Mind and Matter with Mitch Horowitz

    Mind Meld 138 | Who You Are Underneath Yourself with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 137 | Everything Is Breathing with Niraj Naik

    Mind Meld 136 | The Answer You Seek Will Bring More Questions with Dr. Jonathan Schooler

    Mind Meld 135 | Mind Mycelium with Tero Isokauppila of Four Sigmatic

    Mind Meld 134 | The Myths That Make Us with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 133 | IT'S ALL ONE THING with Colin Frangicetto of Circa Survive

    Mind Meld 132 | MATCH YOUR NATURE WITH NATURE with Dr. Miles Neale

    Mind Meld 131 | Mind Yoga with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 130 | The Secret Psychedelic Life of Dr. Chris Bache

    Mind Meld 129 | You're Allowed to Have Layers with David Krantz

    Mind Meld 128 | Crushing Chaos with Kyle Kingsbury

    Mind Meld 127 | Becoming a Wild Thing with Laura Krantz

    Mind Meld 126 | Psychedelic Mystery Traditions with Thomas Hatsis

    Mind Meld 125 | The Hidden Gurus of the Mountain with Jennifer Sodini

    *BONUS EPISODE* The Entities in Your Ocean with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 124 | I'm Nothing, Thank God! with Myq Kaplan

    Mind Meld 123 | Cosmic Context with Dr. Dan Engle

    Mind Meld 122 | Wielding the Wonder Caduceus with Stephen Gray

    Mind Meld 121 | The Secret Golden Flower with Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 120 | The Shadow System with Filmmaker Sean Dunne

    Mind Meld 119 | Reading the Language of God with Molecular Biologist Dr. Ellen Jorgensen

    Mind Meld 118 | A Language Only You Can Speak with Dr. Michael Daine

    LOVE VS. THE SCOURGE OF DECAY and Other Audience Curiosities

    Mind Meld 117 | There Is But One Fractal Mind with Philosopher, Peter Sjöstedt

    Mind Meld 116 | Something Impossible is Flowering Forth From You with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 115 | Your Thoughts are the Hieroglyphs of Tomorrow with Michael Garfield and Andrew J. O'Keefe

    Mind Meld 114 | We're All Sleeping Buddhas with Ramin Nazer

    Mind Meld 113 | A Network of Neuronal Majesty with Neuroscientist, Dr. Adam Gazzaley

    Mind Meld 112 | Keep Your Conduits Open with Colin Frangicetto of Circa Survive

    Mind Meld 111 | The Chasm of Disbelief with Master Shaman Hamilton Souther

    Mind Meld 110 | Engineering Awe with Dr. Matthew Johnson

    Mind Meld 109 |Invoking the Oracle with Jennifer Sodini

    Mind Meld 108 | "I never came back, I died" with Professor Richard Doyle

    Unlocking Lucidity – What I learned from my month-long quest for dream lucidity

    Mind Meld 107 | The Elixir of Experience with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 106 | The Ineffable Harmony of Existence with Alexandre Tannous

    Mind Meld 105 | Piercing the Veil of Reality with Dr. Donald Hoffman

    Mind Meld 104 | The Beauty of a Billion Failures with Dr. Dennis McKenna and Dr. Bruce Damer

    Mind Meld 103 | Romanticizing the Apocalypse with Jason Louv

    Mind Meld 102 | The Soul of the Blockchain with Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 101| Fighting Fractalnoia with Kevin Kaiser

    Mind Meld 100 | An Ocean of Meaning with Dr. Dean Radin

    Mind Meld 99 | Short Moments Many Times with Dr. Judson Brewer

    Mind Meld 98 |Hidden Symbols and Esoteric Epiphanies with Freemason and Author, Robert W. Sullivan IV

    Mind Meld 97 |The Orchestra of Everything with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 96 |Finding Gratitude In The Jaws Of The Universe with Dr. Richard Doyle

    Mind Meld 95 | Dharma Enhancement with Daniele Bolelli

    Mind Meld 94 | What is to give light must endure burning with Andrew Marr

    Mind Meld 93 | Shadow Work with Dr. Michael Daine

    Mind Meld 92 | Wondrous Forms with Philosopher, Peter Sjöstedt

    A Soliloquy for the Modern Mystic - An Extended Ramble on Self-Realization

    Mind Meld 91| Quiet Quanta with Dr. Dean Radin

    Mind Meld 90 | What Is The "That?" with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 89 | Awakening a Limitless Process with Dada Nabhaniilananda

    We Fasted For Three Days. This Is Our Tale

    Mind Meld 88 | Shadow Potentials with Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 87 | The Wellness Cipher with Scott Carney

    Mind Meld 86 | Engineering Disruption with Paul Austin

    Mind Meld 85 | Memetic Invasion with Noah Lampert

    Mind Meld 84 | Naming Your Demons with Psychological Mystic, Erick Godsey

    Mind Meld 83 | ANDROID JONES - A Yearning That Will Never Be Quenched

    Mind Meld 82 | Scrubbing Your Soul with Greg Marcus

    Mind Meld 81 | Conflict Purification with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 80 | Endless Awareness with Dr. Eben Alexander and Karen Newell

    Mind Meld 79| The Masks You Wear with JP Sears

    Mind Meld 78 |The Koan of Creation with John F. Simon

    Mind Meld 77 | The Chemical Buddha with Dr. Bruce Damer

    Mind Meld 76 | You Are What You Build with Luke Storey

    Mind Meld 75 | Fractal Futures with Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 74 |The Case Against Reality with Dr. Donald Hoffman

    Mind Meld 73 |Material Wealth and Existential Bankruptcy with Gerard A. Powell

    Mind Meld 72 | Exploring Inner Space with Dada Gunamuktananda

    Mind Meld 71 | There's No Better Word For It Than "Magick" with Jason Louv

    Mind Meld 70 | Gandhi Neurons with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 69 | Being of Medicine with Master Shaman, Hamilton Souther

    Mind Meld 68 | Dr. Neal Goldsmith - Pray To the Tree Before You Chop It Down

    Mind Meld 67 | Cast Out the Demon of Doubt with Sharon Salzberg

    Mind Meld 66 | Life is a Mantra with Brandon Beachum

    Mind Meld 65 | Resurrecting the Mystery School with Psychedelic Gospels Author, Dr. Jerry Brown

    Mind Meld 64 | Emanations From the Unconscious with Jungian Psychologist Dr. Michael Daine

    Mind Meld 63 | The Transmutation of Nothingness with Noah Lampert

    Mind Meld 62 | The Great Revelation with Jennifer Sodini

    Mind Meld 61 | Life Has the Best Graphics with Michael Donovan

    Mind Meld 60 | There's No Such Thing As Chaos with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 59 | God Made Man Because He Loves Stories with Dr. Raymond Moody

    The Vicious Beauty of Impermanence

    Mind Meld 58 | Microdosing the Future with Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 57 | Interconnected Separateness with Amanda Sage

    Mind Meld 56 |Incubating a Premature Future with Andrew J. O'Keefe II

    Mind Meld 55 | Summoning a Subjective Singularity with Liam Wilson

    Mind Meld 54 | Creativity Paradox with Autumn Skye Morrison

    Mind Meld 53 | Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom with YOSHINO

    LIVE FROM MIND/WAVE LA with Daniele Bolelli, Cory Allen and Zach Leary!

    Mind Meld 52 | Micro-Dosing, Tripping with Lions and Finding Your Mission with Paul Austin of The Third Wave

    Mind Meld 51 | Neuroscientist Dr. Andrew Hill Hacks Brains

    Mind Meld 50 | The Orgasmic Miracle of Now, with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 49 | Hive-Minded Future Gods with Master Shaman, Hamilton Souther

    Mind Meld 48 | The Most Powerful Symbol with Noah Lampert and Simon Haiduk

    Mind Meld 47 | Can't You Feel It Pulling You? with Jon Mueller

    Mind Meld 46 | How Do You Know You're Not Dreaming? With Robert Waggoner

    Mind Meld 45 | The Secret of a Million Myths with Zach Leary

    Mind Meld 44 | Symbol Wars with Douglas Rushkoff and Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 43 | LIVE from Third Eye Dropsia with Alexander Ward

    Mind Meld 42 | THE THIRD EAR with Lama Surya Das

    Mind Meld 41 | Esoteric Therapy with the White Witch of L.A., Maja D'Aoust

    Mind Meld 40 | Gurus, Cold Exposure and Transformational Tragedy with Scott Carney

    Mind Meld 39 | Heart Medicine with Chor Boogie and Elizabeth Bast

    Mind Meld 38 | The You You Long for | Niles Heckman and Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 37 | Persona Smashing with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 36 | Musings from the Mind's Eye with Simon Haiduk


    Mind Meld 35 | Tales of the Vine with Master Shaman, Hamilton Souther

    Mind Meld 34 | Rediscovering Magic with Lorenzo Hagerty and Dr. Bruce Damer

    Mind Meld 33 | You Are a Thing the Whole Universe Is Doing, with Noah Lampert

    Mind Meld 32 | If You Name Me, You Negate Me- with Alexandre Tannous

    Mind Meld 31 | FOURTH EYE DROPS with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 30 | I Believe In a Laughing God with Daniele Bolelli

    Mind Meld 29 | Dr. Amit Goswami and the Conscious Cosmos

    TRANSMISSIONS FROM THE FUTURE with Dr. Rick Strassman, Daniele Bolelli, Mitch Schultz, Michael Garfield and Alexander Ward

    Mind Meld 28 | The Heart in the Network with Dr. Bruce Damer and Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 27 | One Truth, Many Stories with Shane Mauss

    Mind Meld 26 | THE FRACTAL PERSPECTIVE with Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 25 | Trying to Levitate with Claire Hoffman

    Mind Meld 24 | Tales of a Technodelic Utopia with R.U. SIRIUS

    Mind Meld 23 | Transmuting Ivory Towers with MAPS Researcher, Ben Shechet

    Mind Meld 22 | Slaying Your Demons and Becoming a Medicine with Dr. Octavio Rettig and Alexander Ward

    Mind Meld 21 |HYPER-REALITY with Erik Davis and Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 20 | RESONANCE with Cory Allen

    Mind Meld 19 | Mitch Schultz - IT IS AND IT WILL -

    Mind Meld 18 | Switzon S. Wigfall III and the Smiling Sisyphus

    Mind Meld 17 | Dr. Rick Strassman, THE STRASSMAN BIBLE

    Mind Meld 15 ADDENDUM| Guided Meditations with Thubten Chodron

    Mind Meld 16 |Nicolas Gregoriades, Excavating Your Ideal Self

    Mind Meld 15 | Kindness Vitamins with Thubten Chodron

    Mind Meld 14 | Ralph Abraham and Bruce Damer | IT ALL HANGS TOGETHER

    Mind Meld 13 | WHAT IF with Rollie Peterkin

    Mind Meld 12 | A Trip to the Psychedelic Salon with Lorenzo Hagerty, Bruce Damer

    Mind Meld 11 | Zoltan Istvan Plugs Into the Singularity

    Mind Meld 10 | Alexandre Tannous and the Hidden Realms of Sound

    Mind Meld 9 |Evolving New Senses With Shane Mauss and Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 8 | Matt Xian of TIMEWHEEL - Creation, Fear and the Spirit Molecule

    Mind Meld 7 | Tom Campbell - Simulation Theory, Quantum Weirdness and the Nature of Consciousness (Part 2)

    Mind Meld 6 | Tom Campbell - Simulation Theory, Quantum Weirdness and the Nature of Consciousness (Part 1)

    Mind Meld 5 | Dennis McKenna and Bruce Damer

    Mind Meld 4 | Erik Davis and Michael Garfield

    Mind Meld 3 | Daniele Bolelli - Professor, Savage, Author, Philosopher, Boob Poet

    Mind Meld 2 | Android Jones on Art, Purpose, Technology and Personal Transformation (Part 2)

    Mind Meld 1 | Android Jones on Art, Purpose, Technology and Personal Transformation

    Mind Meld 0 | Now Administering Third Eye Drops