We Are One - From the Aether

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Published Aug 15, 2018 Description
This is our first video and we are very excited to present it to you.

A huge Thank You to Gabriel Francis who did the video and the editing!

It was a lot of fun to do this video with you... you definetely captured the essence of our music in it :)


Copyright 2017 From The Aether -
All Rights Reserved

DualityAug 24, 2018
This is awesome! This song has a Disney feel to it except with much deeper meaning. Would love to hear more of these songs!
RemedyAug 15, 2018
Amazing song! From finish to end, really creative, soothing, and inspiring at the same time. Thank you for sharing this great energy with the world!
LaAraAug 16, 2018
Thank you for your feedback!!! My partner and I have many more songs to share with the world ☺️ Our music is in 432 which is meant to be healing for body, mind and soul... I truly appreciate your words, Remedy! Thank you ☺️
RemedyAug 20, 2018
Lets create our own world, healthy and new, we'll end despair... All the lyrics and sound is great energy.. I rather have my kids listen to this than anything on the radio.. Thank you for sharing the love!